Physical Therapy and Insurance

It's been a while since we've reviewed our insurance policy and since it isn't getting any simpler, now seems like a good time to have a refresher course on getting through your physical therapy without a big hassle from your insurance company. Getting through your insurance coverage plan can seem daunting, but there's light at the end of the tunnel and we're here to help you figure out the details. 

If you're looking at switching your insurance coverage, then be sure to find a plan that includes a certain amount of physical therapy visits per condition each year. Insurance policies can be tricky and it is important to read the fine print and pay attention to the precise wording. If you can find a plan offering at least 20 visits per condition, then you'll be off to a good start. Be sure to pay attention to the deductible and co-pay for any plan you choose and also take a look at the fine print surrounding both "in" and "out" of network coverage, but more on that later. 

Most of the time, however, you'll be looking for a physical therapist that fits your current insurance plan. At Sloane Stecker Physical Therapy we accept Oxford, United Health Care, as well as Workman's Comp and No Fault Claims. In addition we also accept certain plans from Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Cigna. If you're uncertain what your plan covers or if it is one we take, be sure to call the office for more in-depth information. 

You might also hear the phrase "out of network," or, "non-participating," while you're dealing with your insurance plan. If you have an insurance that hasn't been listed, or is out of network, it doesn't mean you won't be able to work with Sloane Stecker Physical Therapy in either Westchester or New York City. 

"In network" just means Sloane Stecker Physical Therapy has an agreement with an insurance provider that makes paying for services a little bit more simple. When you're working with an out of network provider there is a little bit more negotiating for service coverage. If you have an insurance plan that is out of network with Sloane Stecker Physical therapy, you'll likely still be able to get world class physical therapy treatments with the help of your insurance. Give us a call and we'll get the ball rolling with your insurance provider.