New York and Westchester Physical Therapy

It's the beginning of 2018 and the time has come to finally take your health in your hands. 

While you're making resolutions to hit wellness goals make sure to incorporate the health and wellness of your aching body, which might just mean scheduling physical therapy into your new year's plans. 

Your attention to the health and wellness of your body is crucial to achieving other fitness and wellness goals. Running that marathon, setting a new record best in your next triathlon, or trimming away those last five pounds will all require you to be in your best working physical condition. 

Common physical therapy conditions our physical therapy clinics in Westchester and New York City include ACL recovery, rotator cuff repair, Achilles tendon repair, hip labral repair, and finally ridding yourself of chronic pain

Over the next few weeks, we'll be reviewing the best ways to integrate physical therapy into your new year's resolutions. Our physical therapy team is committed to helping you heal so you can achieve your goals and train to prevent further injury. With the partnership of a world-class physical therapist, you'll crush all of your New Year's goals.