We talk a lot about how to stay competitive as an athlete or a weekend warrior, but it's also important to make a plan for your fitness routine that you can get the most out of and work into your busy schedule. This is where decades of experience and world-class equipment come into the picture. While you can get a solid sweat session and calorie burn from an equipment-free living room session, if you're also interested in training and building your athletic prowess you want to workout with professionals and equipment. Here are three tips to take your calorie burning HIIT session and turn it into an athletic training session as well.
- Utilize multi-functional equipment. To train like a professional athlete on a tight schedule, you need to maximize your efforts by training your full body in one exercise. Hop on a SKILLMILL Connect and work your entire body. With the accessory kit you'll be able to knock out your cardio and strength training in one go while building stamina and agility. Unlike knocking out full-body exercises in your living room, you'll also still have access to high-tech tracking systems so you'll stay motivated and able to track your athletic progress.
- Work in active rest days. It can seem counterintuitive to most driven athletes, but those rest days are an important part of maximizing the benefits of your workout. Plan in at least one day on the AlterG, which will give you the opportunity to both relax and enjoy an anti-gravity trot as well as reducing lactic acid buildup in the body. This will keep you on that endorphin high we all love and will also help reduce soreness and stiffness from the week's workout.
- Eat right. Think 80/20 when it comes to diet and exercise. 80% of your effort should be diet and 20% should be your workout. Make sure attention to the food you're eating, whatever that may be, is as firm and dedicated as your workout routine and you'll be hot to trot.
When you workout be sure to have your routine address as many muscles and movements that it can (this is where a professional personal trainer comes in...) and that you have active rest days worked into your schedule. Top off these efforts with stellar nutrition and you'll start getting more fitness return for less.