ab work

The Secret to Finally Seeing Your Abs

The Secret to Finally Seeing Your Abs

There’s an oft-used saying that “abs are made in the kitchen.

The underlying theory, for those who haven’t heard this before, is that what you eat is more important than how much you exercise if you want to see your abdominal muscles.

How much truth is there to this mantra? Are abs really made simply by watching what you eat? Or can you just do a thousand crunches a day and create abs that way?

Motivation Monday-- Workout Ideas to Start Your Week Strong

Motivation Monday-- Workout Ideas to Start Your Week Strong

We all know the way you tackle your Mondays matters and here are some ideas we have gathered from around the world wide web to help you squeeze that ever important workout into your busy day. 

If you often find yourself with very little time on your hands and you haven't given HIIT workouts a try then you're in luck. High intensity interval training is a great way to burn calories and will kick the old, "I just don't have time," excuse to the curb. 

Movement Monday: Plank Your Way to Perfect Abs

Movement Monday: Plank Your Way to Perfect Abs

The plank is a perfect full-body exercise and if you're doing it right you'll be strengthening and toning your arms, core, and legs. If you're usual routine of sit-ups isn't doing the job in helping you get six pack abs, then integrate these moves into your ab work.