
Fitness Tip Tuesday

Fitness Tip Tuesday

You're crushing your goals like a champ. 

Morning runs around Central Park's loop are your playground and you're seriously contemplating signing up for The New York City Marathon. 

Here's one fitness tip that will help take your fitness prowess over the edge. One word: 


Why Your Body Composition Isn’t Improving When You’re Doing Everything Right

Why Your Body Composition Isn’t Improving When You’re Doing Everything Right

I lift, do cardio, and eat clean-- but I can’t seem to build more muscle. 

I dropped a few pounds for the first few weeks, but nothing has changed since then.

I’ve been running three times a week; yet my body looks the same! 

If any of these statements sound like you and you’re frustrated by the lack of body composition progress, you might be wondering if you’ve been doing everything wrong.  

What is really going on?

Motivation Monday-- Workout Ideas to Start Your Week Strong

Motivation Monday-- Workout Ideas to Start Your Week Strong

We all know the way you tackle your Mondays matters and here are some ideas we have gathered from around the world wide web to help you squeeze that ever important workout into your busy day. 

If you often find yourself with very little time on your hands and you haven't given HIIT workouts a try then you're in luck. High intensity interval training is a great way to burn calories and will kick the old, "I just don't have time," excuse to the curb. 

Fitness Tip Tuesday

Fitness Tip Tuesday

It takes a village....

Your health goals are important, don't think you have to go after them alone. 

This year as you approach your new year's resolutions try being open with people and freely sharing your goals for 2017. You'll have the benefit of having someone on your side as you tackle your fitness resolutions for the new year and the much needed pressure of someone to be accountable to.