Physical Therapy Demystified: Lateral Epicondylitis/Tennis Elbow

Physical Therapy Demystified: Lateral Epicondylitis/Tennis Elbow

You may not have heard of lateral epicondylitis, but tennis elbow should be more familiar. Tennis elbow is a debilitating affliction causing the outer edge of the forearm pain. While this affliction might be associated with sports, it's also caused by repetitive and consistent strain. Actions as simple as opening a jar can be enough to trigger tennis elbow. Maybe you don't regularly take up a racket for a quick doubles match, but there is likely something else in your life leaving you susceptible to injury from repetitive strain. 

Motivation Monday: 4 Exercises to Kick Your Week Off

Motivation Monday: 4 Exercises to Kick Your Week Off

You're busy. We get it.

A New York Minute doesn't mean you have more minutes in a day, it means you know the value of your time and you don't have any to waste on ineffective exercises. 

With that in mind, here are four moves featured at Men's Fitness Magazine that we love to get your weekly workout routine kicked off right. 

What is preventative physical therapy?

What is preventative physical therapy?

Physical therapy is well utilized to recover from injury or surgery, but one of the best uses of a physical therapist is in injury prevention. Looking at physical therapy as a source of preventative care will help individuals avoid injury, chronic pain conditions, and often even surgery. 

Movement Monday: Negative Pull Ups

Movement Monday: Negative Pull Ups

Looking to build strength by integrating pull ups into your routing....but you can't quite get your chin up to the bar?

No worries. Negatives in physical training are known for their massive effect on the body and this technique can also be applied to building strength to full pull-ups. 

Physical Therapy for Lower Back Pain

Physical Therapy for Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain isn't uncommon. In fact, it's so pervasive that it's generally dismissed and not taken seriously.  That is, until manageable aches and pains become debilitating ones. LBP is a cause for concern, whether it's keeping your from work and play or not. 

How Alcohol Can Affect Your Body Composition

How Alcohol Can Affect Your Body Composition

If you begin a conversation about alcohol, you’re likely to get a chorus of varied opinions.

Your one friend swears that her daily glass of red wine will ward off cardiovascular disease, even if it’s at the expense of her six pack abs. Meanwhile, your gym buddy has a zero-alcohol policy in an effort to remain as lean as possible and avoid the dreaded “beer belly”.

Is it really possible to consume alcohol and still maintain a healthy body weight and composition?

The answer is somewhat complicated and likely depends on your ultimate goals.

Let’s delve a little deeper into the relationship between alcohol and body composition.

How Cirque Du Soleil Used Body Composition Analysis to Change Their Training Approach

How Cirque Du Soleil Used Body Composition Analysis to Change Their Training Approach

Cirque du Soleil is one of the most famous theater production companies in the world. The company began in 1984 with a small troupe of performersnear Quebec City and quickly became renowned for its striking mix of circus arts (without animals) and street performance. Now in its third decade, Cirque du Soleil has 19 shows that perform around the world. Each brings a blend of imaginative costumes, lighting, music, and of course, gravity-defying performers.

To ensure talented performers can withstand an incredible 476 shows per year on average, the Cirque du Soleil team needed a reliable way to incorporate body composition analysis to support performance.

Head of Performance Science for Cirque du Soleil’s, Bryan Burnstein researched several options and ultimately decided on tracking body composition analysis using InBody because he felt it delivered the most value to his artists and operational teams. See how InBody helped some of the world’s most talented actors, singers, and artists become more durable performers by optimizing their body composition.

Cirque du Soleil’s Quest to Become More Data Informed


Functional Movement and Physical Therapy

Functional Movement and Physical Therapy

"Functional" is a trendy word in all things health related of late and it's no surprise why, especially for busy and driven New Yorkers. Functional is the basis of optimization and when it comes to health this makes the difference between making and breaking your goals. If you haven't taken a look at how to make your life more functional, then now is the time and the best place to start is with your body and how you move day in and day out. 

Movement Monday: Stretching 101

Movement Monday: Stretching 101

Movement and mobility are an integral part of a full, healthy lifestyle. Consistent stretching is often overlooked in the pursuit of physical wellness, but one of the most important parts of training your body and avoiding injury are consistent mobility exercises. Here are three mobility exercises that can easily fit into any New Yorker's busy schedule. Integrate these regularly into your routine and reap the benefits of mobility in your life!

Physical Therapy Demystified: Scoliosis

Physical Therapy Demystified: Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a common ailment affecting about six to nine million people in the United States. Most people's first introduction to scoliosis is with a test in grade school where a nurse feels the length of the spine looking for curves. These tests are looking for unnatural curvature of the spine, generally known as "c" or "s" curves.

Physical Therapy Demystified: Acromioclavicular Joint Separation

Physical Therapy Demystified: Acromioclavicular Joint Separation

There's nowhere better than Sloane Stecker Physical Therapy in the Upper West Side to go for physical therapy for your damaged shoulder...unless it's Sloane Stecker Physical Therapy in Westchester. 

Acromioclavicular Joint Separation is a common shoulder injury, especially in most sports and other athletic activities. Most shoulder separation injuries are actually acromioclavicular joint separations. The AC joint connects the scapula to the collar bone. While an AC joint injury is rather common, it can still be easily confused with other shoulder joint injuries. 

Tackling Childhood Obesity: Help from InBody

Tackling Childhood Obesity: Help from InBody

According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, the percentage of children with obesity in the United States has more than tripled since the 1970s. Today, about one in five school-aged children (ages 6–19) has obesity.

There's a big difference among the options of being big boned, overweight, and being considered obese, but most Americans don't really know the defining differences. It can be hard to tell by looking, or even by standard measurements, if someone is teetering on the edge of being overweight into the realm of obesity. This is where InBody comes to the rescue. 

Fitness and Fun Facts Newsletter

Fitness and Fun Facts Newsletter

Want to be on the inside track when it comes to your health and wellness? Join our newsletter mailing list and once a month we'll send you news from our office as well as from experts around the world regarding your health and wellness. 

The Secret to Finally Seeing Your Abs

The Secret to Finally Seeing Your Abs

There’s an oft-used saying that “abs are made in the kitchen.

The underlying theory, for those who haven’t heard this before, is that what you eat is more important than how much you exercise if you want to see your abdominal muscles.

How much truth is there to this mantra? Are abs really made simply by watching what you eat? Or can you just do a thousand crunches a day and create abs that way?

InBody Explained: The Secret to Your Body Composition

InBody Explained: The Secret to Your Body Composition

Health and fitness goals require a certain amount of knowledge to really be successful. Most of the time people focus purely on the knowledge required around diet, nutrition, and physical conditioning but put little attention on their personal body composition.

Physical Therapy and Insurance

Physical Therapy and Insurance

It's been a while since we've reviewed our insurance policy and since it isn't getting any simpler, now seems like a good time to have a refresher course on getting through your physical therapy without a big hassle from your insurance company. Getting through your insurance coverage plan can seem daunting, but there's light at the end of the tunnel and we're here to help you figure out the details. 

Physical Therapy Demystified: Hamstring Tears and Other Injuries

Physical Therapy Demystified: Hamstring Tears and Other Injuries

If you're a mover and a shaker then it's a pretty solid bet you've had difficulty with tight hamstrings at some point in your life. 

Hamstrings are composed of three posterior thigh muscles, or the long (often tight) strip of muscle in the back, upper leg. This powerful bundle of muscles originates right below the gluteous maximus and attaches on the tibia, or it starts right below the butt and ends just around the knee. 

Your Body and You: A Guide To Body Fat

Your Body and You: A Guide To Body Fat

From InBody, a company whose products we love to use in both of our New York offices. You can find InBody 570 in our Upper West Side and Westchester physical therapy offices

The mere mention of body fat conjures images of overweight, beer-bellied men or women with their jelly bellies and thunder thighs.

This is why you’ll find thousands of articles about losing body fat, or magazines loaded with front cover headlines that promise to get rid of x amount of body fat in x days.