Fitness Tip Tuesday: 5 Tips for Achieving New Year Resolutions

It's that time of year again. Time to start anew and do your best to achieve your well thought out dreams and goals. Most of us start resolutions and then slowly lose steam just a few months into the new year, but 2017 can be the year you stick with your resolutions! Here are five easy steps to take in order to achieve your new goals.  

  1. Say them out loud. It's helpful to hold yourself accountable to your goals by stating them out loud. It makes them more real than just writing them down, and unless you're accustomed to talking to yourself, it also gives you some witnesses to your goals. If you want to really try manifesting these dreams into a reality, talk about them as though they are already happening. Instead of saying, "I want to take up running," instead try,"I'm a runner." You'll be surprised how this simple act can make your goals a reality. 
  2. Give yourself deadlines. Have some landmark goals in achieving your resolutions and put them on a calendar. Tell someone you trust about your landmark goals and dates and make sure they don't let you off the hook when your deadlines roll around. 
  3.  Celebrate regularly. You're working hard to reach your new year resolutions and you deserve to celebrate while you're doing it. When you reach those landmarks you've scheduled during the year, take the time to treat yourself to something you really want. 
  4. Be in the moment. It can be intimidating to think about running that marathon, but you can definitely make it if you take it one mile at a time. Don't get too ahead of yourself with worries and concerns about what you can't do. Instead, focus on what you can do and incrementally challenge yourself until twenty-six miles is just as achievable as five, six, or seven. 
  5. Help others achieve their goals. No man is an island, right? You'll do better achieving your goals if you're surrounded by people who are also pursuing exciting new changes in their lives. If you don't already have a community like this, check out meet-up groups, running groups, or book clubs, etc., until you have a group of people who you can support as much as they support you. 

2017 has just begun and you have an awesome year of challenges, change, and growth ahead of you. Integrate these five steps into your resolution routine and watch your life change. If you're in New York City and have ambitions of greater health and wellness this year, then you might consider taking up surfing in the UWS, hiring a physical therapist as a personal trainer, or a SculpSure session (or two).