Winter Running Tips

Winter has arrived but you won't let that stop you from hitting the pavement and logging your weekly miles. Whether you hit those New York City streets and brave the weather or you opt for indoor runs, we've got some great advice for you to keep your running regimen strong in these cold winter months. 

  1. Base layers. If you're going to be hitting the pavement when the temperatures drop you'll want to invest in some base layers. Pick layers that wick sweat so you don't wind up with a cold chill. This isn't a time to skimp, go for the good stuff so you really enjoy that run through Central Park. You might even need to add a third, outer layer to protect from rain or snow. Gear can really make all the difference in enjoying your winter run. 
  2. Be flexible. We don't mean stretching either. Have a back-up plan if the weather is really just too rough to run through. You don't always need a gym membership to be your back-up plan either. Both our Upper West Side and Westchester offices offer individuals access to our AlterG treadmills and other equipment. No membership necessary. And, we've still got views of the Hudson river and Central Park so it's the next best thing to an outdoor jog. 
  3. Hydrate! The body can't regulate temperature as well when dehydrated so even though you might not be breaking the same sweat as in the summer, hydration is still important. Drink your daily recommended amount of water and stop for small breaks to sip water when you need to. 
  4. Tread carefully. Ice can sometimes be tricky to spot. Be on the lookout for patches of ice and learn to look around you and watch carefully. You might need to run a little more gingerly and warn your fellow runners of slick spots on the road. 

If you're going to continue to run through a New York City winter these tips should help get you through. Remember, layers are always the right move. You can always remove layers so err on the cautionary side. Also, don't be a hero. If it's just too cold and if conditions are too bad- reach out to us and we'll set you up on our awesome running equipment. No monthly commitment necessary.