marathon training

Physical Therapy and Marathon Training

Physical Therapy and Marathon Training

Marathon training is about more than strategically adding miles and then tapering at the right times. Whether you have a series of marathon finishes under your belt or you're getting started on your first 26.2 miles you should be considering physical therapy in your marathon training preparation.

Marathon Recovery, At Your Service

Marathon Recovery, At Your Service


You trained hard, you ran your best, and you finished the NYC half marathon like a champ!

Now it's time to rest and recover like a champ, too. Most people have a rigid training schedule they adhere to, but not everyone knows they need to pay attention to how they recover just as much as they need to prepare and train for race day. Your recovery plan will set the tone for your next marathon and will help color how you remember this one. 

Apply for the NYC Marathon AND a Complimentary Running Analysis

Apply for the NYC Marathon AND a Complimentary Running Analysis

No marathon training program is complete without a professional running analysis. In fact, you can avoid injury and cut time off your personal record by working with a physical therapist as you start logging miles in preparation for the big race. Good thing we have a complimentary running analysis in both our Westchester and Upper West Side Physical Therapy offices. 

Fitness Tip Tuesday: Consistency

Fitness Tip Tuesday: Consistency

The main key to success is consistency. Seventeen days into the new year and how are those resolutions going? Hopefully you're still hitting those resolutions with grit and resolve, but if you can feel yourself starting to falter, here are some tips for you. 

Winter Running Tips

Winter Running Tips

Winter has arrived but you won't let that stop you from hitting the pavement and logging your weekly miles. Whether you hit those New York City streets and brave the weather or you opt for indoor runs, we've got some great advice for you to keep your running regimen strong in these cold winter months. 

Take Your Running Game to the Next Level: AlterG Pro 200

Take Your Running Game to the Next Level: AlterG Pro 200

With the AlterG Pro 200 athletes of all abilities are able to take their "active recovery" to the next level . Recent studies are showing that incorporating active recovery into training programs helps athletes both relax mentally and physically by reducing and removing lactic acid from the system. It's beneficial to incorporate active recovery both immediately after a workout as well as after a long competition or marathon.