Beat the Holiday Weight Gain

Holiday weight gain is no myth. 

If you don't want to wind up with a belly like a bowl full of jelly, then it might be a good idea to make some lifestyle changes around this holiday season. 

Most Americans gain between 1-5 pounds over the holidays but the real problem is they don't ever lose that extra pound or two after the holidays are over. Sloane Stecker Physical Therapy knows exactly how to help you keep this weight gain at bay. 

Maybe an extra pound isn't a big deal over one or two years, but these few pounds a year can really start to add up. The best bet to keep the weight off is to mind your portion sizes and up your movement, which is good advice for any time of year. 

Here are three easy tips to keep the holiday weight at bay: 

Portion control. 

Portion Sizes in the United States are notoriously large. When you're hitting the holiday parties this year go ahead and indulge, just be sure that you stop eating when you're actually full. If you're not sure you can do it then take care to not fill your plate and then stop at round one instead of going back for seconds. You'll still get to enjoy the tasty treats but you'll keep your excess calories to a minimum. 

Ditch online shopping. 

Moving is one of the best ways to keep excess weight off. The holiday season offers a great opportunity to log in some miles around town picking up gifts or running other seasonal errands. Try walking between stores instead of moving your car in a parking lot or taking stairs instead of the elevator. 

Get a workout buddy.  

It's hard to go it alone, so...don't! Sometimes it takes a village and wellness goals are always more fun when you have someone rooting you on! Whether it's a physical therapist who is also a stellar personal trainer or a group of friends committed to regularly running the loop in Central Park, you'll do well to have a little support on your side this holiday season when it comes to sticking to your fitness goals. 

Train hard and work smart. 

The New Year is always the perfect time to tackle your life goals, so why not commit early? Make a commitment to yourself and your health by starting your new year's resolution early. 

We've got AlterG's, SurfSets, SkillMills and a gym full of kettlebells and battle ropes to keep that bowl full of jello away for another year.