Gait and balance disorders

Walking Gait Analysis

Walking Gait Analysis

At our physical therapy clinics in New York City and Irvington, we talk a lot about the importance of gait and stride when running. We should also mention it's just as important to train your gait when walking in your day-to-day lives. This article from Brian Dorfman is a good one for quickly understanding the importance of gait analysis for everyone, athlete or not. 

Physical Therapy: The Secret Weapons for Gait and Balance Disorders

Most people take for granted the ability to walk the streets of New York City, something we all do for miles on end every single day. When just getting one foot off the ground is a struggle, however, you're suddenly painfully aware of all the miles between subways, the height of bus steps, and the endless expanse of stairs in any walk-up apartment. Having a strong gait and steady balance aren't just a nice idea, they're necessary for any New Yorker anxious to get out and about in the city.