
One machine= full body workout.

One machine= full body workout.

World class training equipment is just one of the reasons to check out our New York City and Westchester physical therapy clinics, but boy oh boy, is it ever a good one!

While it is true that all you need to consider yourself a runner is the open road and the will to pound the pavement, it's equally true that the right machine can revolutionize your fitness goals.

The Secret to Finally Seeing Your Abs

The Secret to Finally Seeing Your Abs

There’s an oft-used saying that “abs are made in the kitchen.

The underlying theory, for those who haven’t heard this before, is that what you eat is more important than how much you exercise if you want to see your abdominal muscles.

How much truth is there to this mantra? Are abs really made simply by watching what you eat? Or can you just do a thousand crunches a day and create abs that way?

How to Get Rid of Your Baby Pooch

How to Get Rid of Your Baby Pooch

You gave birth months ago, maybe even longer, but no matter how much you diet and exercise you just can't get rid of that baby pooch. First of all, cut yourself some slack. Having a baby is a lot of work and requires so much from your body. You've done an incredible thing and deserve time to relax and love your new role as a mother and celebrate your body and the awesome thing it's just done. Still, that pooch can be uncomfortable and frustrating. More interestingly it might be a condition called Diastasis Rectus Abdominis, which can be helped with physical therapy. 

5 Easy Ways to Keep Holiday Weight Gain at Bay

5 Easy Ways to Keep Holiday Weight Gain at Bay

Everyone loves the holidays. Family, friends, parties!! Cakes, cookies, drinks!! Presents! Snow! Celebrations!! The slow and steady weight gain! Wait a second...

No one is safe from holiday weight gain, but there are a few simple things you can do to keep the pounds off this year AND still enjoy some holiday indulgences.