Physical Therapy

Post- Mastectomy Physical Therapy

Post- Mastectomy Physical Therapy

According to about 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. With odds like that chances are high you have been directly affected by breast cancer in the course of your life. The good news is that the medical community is aggressively researching the disease and constantly developing new treatments and refining existing ones to help people beat the odds and join the long list of survivors. 

Trouble in High Heels? We've Got Tips to Help You Rock the Red Carpet!

Trouble in High Heels? We've Got Tips to Help You Rock the Red Carpet!

So maybe you don't have any plans to walk the red carpet in the near future, but you do have a great pair of Louis Vuittons you wish you could wear without having back pain the next day. Beauty doesn't have to equal pain. We can help you make the changes you need to so you can walk the streets of New York City in heels without paying for it later. 

MR4 Super Pulsed Laser for Physical Therapy Treatments

MR4 Super Pulsed Laser for Physical Therapy Treatments

It's a brave new world and lasers are at the forefront of medical technology. At our physical therapy clinics in New York City and Westchester we utilize the MR4 Super Pulsed Laser to manage pain and treat physical ailments towards a speedier recovery. The power of pulsating light to encourage tissue regeneration is one of the most effective and non-invasive ways to treat your chronic pain issues. If you haven't given it a try before and have been dealing with persistent pain or are just looking for a new approach to recovery, you'll want to take the MR4 Super Pulsed laser for a spin. 

How to Get Rid of Your Baby Pooch

How to Get Rid of Your Baby Pooch

You gave birth months ago, maybe even longer, but no matter how much you diet and exercise you just can't get rid of that baby pooch. First of all, cut yourself some slack. Having a baby is a lot of work and requires so much from your body. You've done an incredible thing and deserve time to relax and love your new role as a mother and celebrate your body and the awesome thing it's just done. Still, that pooch can be uncomfortable and frustrating. More interestingly it might be a condition called Diastasis Rectus Abdominis, which can be helped with physical therapy. 

Prenatal Physical Therapy

Pregnancy is a time of great change mentally, emotionally, and physically. We might not be able to help you with shrinking pregnancy brain or hormonal mood swings, but we certainly can lend an expert hand when it comes to hip and back pain. Don't just take your swelling ankles sitting down, give prenatal physical therapy a try and ease the distress and discomfort so you can enjoy your pregnancy with as little pain as possible. 

As your pregnancy progresses your body changes, obvious, right? As your body structure changes your internal organs shift to make room for your baby and your bones start to change as well. The extra weight you're carrying can change the way you sit, stand, and walk which can only exacerbate any pain you're experiencing from these shifts in your anatomical structure. Working with a physical therapist can help alleviate this pain as they administer treatments and offer exercises to help you adjust around your changing body. The technical term for the discomfort you might be experiencing in your pelvic bones is pubic symphysis dysfunction, but all you need to know is this will be experienced as a pain in the hip and pubic region and that we can help. 

This is a special time to bond with your baby and the discomforts you feel during it should be as minimal as possible. If you're living through your pregnancy experiencing hip, back, or other joint pain physical therapy could be just the thing you're looking for. 



Physical Therapy Questions? We've Got Answers!

Physical Therapy Questions? We've Got Answers!

If you're thinking about physical therapy, chances are good you're experiencing some pain and have serious questions you want answered. While your specific case will have some specific answers, here are three things you can just about always expect when you sign up for physical therapy. 

Chronic Pain: Is it in the Brain?

Chronic Pain: Is it in the Brain?

If you've been suffering from chronic pain, you might be interested to know that recent studies have gone so far as to claim that there "is no pain without the brain." Hopefully this is a heartening discovery for those suffering from never-ending aches, pains, and spasms, if only because it means there is a whole avenue of treatment you have to explore!

Parkinson's Rehab and Physical Therapy

Parkinson's Rehab and Physical Therapy

After Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's is the most common neurological disorder in the United States, most notably causing physical tremors in the hands, arms, legs, jaw, and face. Other symptoms can include stiffness, physical instability, impaired balance, and a loss of coordination. With sixty thousand Americans getting diagnosed with PD every year, chances are good that you or someone you know is working their way through this disease every day. 

Runner and You've Never Heard of Noraxon? Get Ready for your Life to Change!

Runner and You've Never Heard of Noraxon? Get Ready for your Life to Change!

Noraxon is at the forefront in technology for monitoring and analyzing biomechanics, the study of human movement to better understand athletic performance. For 25 years Noraxon has been providing the technology necessary for physical therapists, athletics and sports professionals, and other movement based healing modalities to best serve their patients or athletes. 

Burn, Balance, Build and Blend: Surfing in the UWS

Burn, Balance, Build and Blend: Surfing in the UWS

You heard of SurfSET during its nationwide debut on Shark Tank and hankered to put your skills to the test, and now is the time to finally try it! Offering three stability settings (easy, intermediate, advanced) and four different workouts based on feeling the burn, finding balance, building strength, and finally combining all of these skills together the SurfSET offers a fun, full-body workout that will have you both laughing and sweating more that you have in years!

Physical Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Physical Therapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis

RA is an autoimmune disease, a disorder caused by the body's tissues being attacked by it's own immune system, which results in swelling and inflammation of the joints. This inflammation can severely inhibit movement and cause pain in the areas of the afflicted joint. While joint pain and inflammation are the most commonly known side effects of this disease it can also afflict pain on tendons, muscles, and ligaments. In some cases infections and organ damage are also side effects of RA. 

Physical Therapy: Don't Put off Until Tomorrow What You Should Do Today

Physical Therapy: Don't Put off Until Tomorrow What You Should Do Today

No one likes going to see the doctor, whether that doctor is the dentist, general practitioner, or even a physical therapist. Even though everyone knows preventative care is always a better option than fixing something once it is broken, there's still a reluctance to take a chance and go see the doc before things get really bad. What if regular trips to your favorite physical therapist could save you from a costly (both in time and money...) surgery later on down the line? Perhaps then you'd be more likely to call in and schedule your appointment sooner rather than later.

Physical Therapy and Women's Health: Celebrate International Women's Day!

Physical Therapy and Women's Health: Celebrate International Women's Day!

It's never too late to celebrate International Women's Day! In fact, women are so great maybe they should be celebrated everyday, am I right? Self-care is an incredibly important part of a women's health routine and a healthy dose of physical therapy is always helpful when trying to stay in tip-top-shape!

Prosthetics: Physical Therapy for Below the Hip Amputations

Prosthetics: Physical Therapy for Below the Hip Amputations

Have you ever watched athletes running in New York City’s annual marathon thinking about how there is no way you could ever have the will or dedication to compete only to see a group of runners with below the hip/knee amputations run across the finish line with ease and grace? There’s not a lot more moving than watching athletes hard work pay off as they achieve their dreams, but there is something extra rousing about watching competitors who have adjusted their lives, and their athleticism, to all the demands necessary in adjusting to life with a prosthetic. 

The Best Physical Therapist in New York City

Don't be wooed by the individual "best" therapist in the city. This is America and more is always better, right? Why settle for one amazing therapist when you could have an entire office of "the best" practitioners in the city? 

Post-Surgical Physical Therapy Tips: 3 Ideas to Make Your PT Routine Stellar

Post-Surgical Physical Therapy Tips: 3 Ideas to Make Your PT Routine Stellar

In case you are (or, actually, in case you aren't) a big planner, we've got some tips for your post-surgical recovery that will make your physical therapy routine at least one thousand times more enjoyable. Follow these three easy tips and you'll be on your way to recovery before you even start your rehab routine. 

Getting Back to Sport With a Sports Rehab Program

Getting Back to Sport With a Sports Rehab Program

In short, find a physical therapy office that is dedicated to get you back to sport because they know how important competitive sports (of any level) are from personal experience. They'll understand the drive to get back to your game and will design the most effective sports rehab program to get you moving again, better than before. Work with therapists who understand the fine art of manual therapy, it'll do wonders in your recovery. If you're really committed to your sport of choice, come in for some personal training. It might just be the thing that keeps you in the game. 

Physical Therapy: The Secret Weapons for Gait and Balance Disorders

Most people take for granted the ability to walk the streets of New York City, something we all do for miles on end every single day. When just getting one foot off the ground is a struggle, however, you're suddenly painfully aware of all the miles between subways, the height of bus steps, and the endless expanse of stairs in any walk-up apartment. Having a strong gait and steady balance aren't just a nice idea, they're necessary for any New Yorker anxious to get out and about in the city.